Love, Joy, Peace...

What We Believe

There is only one God, who created us and sustains us. He knows all things, can do anything, and is everywhere we go. We know him as Father, Jesus Christ (Son), and the Holy Spirit. As our Father, He provides for us, protects us, accepts us (as He created us and as we are), but will always correct us in love (and yes, even punish us when necessary). As our Savior, Jesus Christ, He sacrificed his own life to save us from the penalty of death due to our own sinfulness. As the Holy Spirit, He lives inside of us as our Comforter and guide, walking with us throughout each day.

When Jesus was crucified, His physical death fulfilled the stringent laws of the Old Covenant and wiped away all of the sins of humanity. Throughout His earthly ministry and after His resurrection, Jesus gave instructions on the principles of the Kingdom of God. "Whosoever" (this means ANYBODY) who believes and accepts Jesus Christ as his/her Savior, confesses Him as King and Lord in his/her life, and chooses to live by His commandment of Love receives the salvation that comes from His sacrifice. This is a gift of grace by God to mankind, and there is nothing we can ever do to earn it, and nothing any person can do to take it away.

The Holy Scriptures contain the world's greatest historical accounts, spiritual revelations, and principles for living. Just as they were used to guide the lives of people centuries ago, they still offer sacred wisdom and guidance for the world today; however all scripture must be read and interpreted within the context of the culture, traditions, and time period in which they were written. Since we now live under the New Covenant, the teachings of Jesus Christ are the final authority in the New Testament church.​

The purpose of the Church is to operate as extensions of the Kingdom of God, to teach, equip, and counsel believers in community. Even Jesus said that He did not come to condemn mankind, so it is never the authority of this or any church to judge, condemn, or convict anyone of their beliefs or actions, only to provide guidance and accountability in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ. True conviction can only come through a personal, internal relationship with God who is the only true judge of humanity.

Besides loving God and others, our top priority as believers is to spread the good news of Jesus' love and the gift of salvation throughout the world.